As we all can see, Valve screwed up again...and the Protocol 48 HLDS is incompatible with AG. In simpler words, once you update your dedicated server it comes back in the serverlist, but everyone who tries to join your server gets kicked out with the message that they have and "ogc type hooking library." I have managed to trace the problem to the HLDS itself. It turns out that AG thinks there is a cheat embedded in the new HLDS and won't let anyone join. I think I have managed to circumvent this problem and will issue a fix shortly.
Yeah, with each file having a Primary DL Link (from Mediafire), and a secondary BG Mirror (
#BGT vs cfg 23/03/2008 19GMT
#BGT vs -art 16/03/2008 19GMT
#BGT vs [pmers] 02/03/2008 18GMT
#BGT vs dhd 24/02/2008 19GMT
The new server adress is HF!
#BGT vs NeG 03/02/2008 20GMT
#BGT vs #AGT 20/01/2008 18GMT